Milonga El Rincon
Milonga El Rincon: Now in our 18th Year of good music, good dancing, and great friends in a Buenos Aires atmosphere.

Simply the best place to be on the Second Sunday at 5:30

El Rincon is recognized as a friendly milonga with the best in classic music and what you would expect to experience in the best milongas of Buenos Aires. Come and enjoy this welcoming atmosphere in our Afternoon Milonga in Orange County.

We offering a Pre-Milonga Workshop presented by visiting professionals. The class starts a 4:15 pm and is $15. Featuring Oscar and Romina in February.

El Rincon

Featuring The Tango Team of Miriam Larici and Leonardo Barrionuevo!

Part 2 of Miriam’s Ladies Technique Workshop!
Register in Advance with Miriam for a Special Discount!

April’s Milonga El Rincón will be packed with this line-up. Make your reservations early.

Miriam Larici is bringing her Ladies’ Technique Workshop Part 2 this month to El Rincón. We asked her if she would like to offer her popular workshop on the El Rincón floor and she kindly agreed. Part 1 was sold out and we expect the same for Part 2. We strongly encourage advance registration! Use this link to register: Miriam’s Workshop.

You can also use this QR Code above to register.

Miriam and Leo’s Tango Team will treat us with a special performance! You know it will be a wonderful performance!

John is at the DJ controls! Great music + wonderful partners = Happy, Tired Feet at the end of the evening.

You make El Rincón a great place to be on Sunday. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday, April 14th!

Schedule of Events:

Miriam’s Special Workshop 4:00 – 5:15 PM Entry: $25 Advance Registration and $30 at the Door. Use the links above to register.

Milonga 5:30 – 9:30 PM Entry: Milonga $20

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Make my reservation, please.

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